Official homepage of DSSA Destiny Ascension

Fleet carrier information:

Name: DSSA Destiny Ascension
Registration: K5M-3KH
Carrier class: Drake Class

Carrier Construction Location: Argatha System, Enoch Port
Carrier Construction Date: August 13th, 3306
DSSA Commission Date: September 1st, 3306
DSSA In-Service Date: October 3rd, 3306 – . . .

Services added/removed:

Concourse bar
Pioneer supplies
Vista genommics
Redemption office
Universal cartographics
Secure warehouse

One of many Deep Space Support Array sanctuaries out there. While exploring the Milky Way, you can always rely on the services we provide.

> Click here to learn more about DSSA Destiny Ascension and its somewhat interesting surroundings located in the systems.

> Click here to learn about the DSSA Initiative.

Destiny Ascension Offers Services Such As:

🧪🔬 Vista Genomics For Scientific Research

Do you have any genetic samples you wish to hand in? Perhaps interested in increasing your Exobiologist rank without having to find a station? Feel free to do so! Vista Genomics at Destiny Ascension will buy complete genetic samples found on planetary surfaces. Redemption office now included!

🅿️🛅 Shipyard For Storing And Transferring Ships

Bored with using the same exploration ship and have decided to switch ships at Destiny Ascension? That’s great news! Here, you can leave your current ship and switch to another one. We’ll keep your other ships safe and sound.

🔋🧻 Pioneer Supplies For On-Foot Activities

Left your needed gear in the cargo hold of another ship, tens of thousands light years away? No worries! Pioneer Supplies is here to provide you with all sorts of goods for your daring on-foot activities and adventures! Due to security reasons, we don’t sell E-breaches.

🍾🍷 Concourse Bar For Meet-Ups With Other CMDRs

Tired of observing the maintenance crew working on your ship? Already taken care of! Take the lift and head up to pilot’s lounge and grab a drink. First one is on the house. Meet up with other commanders, socialize, trade goods, data and components, and much more!

🔧​🔩​ Rearm, Refuel, Repair and Outfitting Services

You need heatsinks, AMFUs and SRVs restocked? Ship integrity fixed? Your ship refueled? A new layer of paint on your fancy looking ship perhaps? We got you covered. Destiny Ascension offers all three services of basic and advanced maintenance for all ships that exist within our galaxy. Outfitting module now included!

🌐 💾 Universal Cartography

Have some stored exploration data on your ship’s computer? It would be a shame if you were to accidentally find yourself between 2 stars and all that gathered data, lost in seconds. That’s why we advise you to turn in your exploration data at one of our Fleet Carriers and continue your journey throughout deep space. We, the DSSA, are here to prevent such unfortunate scenarios from happening in the first place.

…and much more!

“…it has been quite a journey in the past two years. With help of close friends and hands of opportunity reaching out to me, I have managed to achieve what was only an idea, a thought at first, but now a reality…”

“…the ability to make a difference by actions of communities, groups and individuals contributing towards positive outcomes of minor and major events, is what makes our galaxy, The Milky Way, a truly unique place…”

“…I look forward towards future development and expansion of our influence…”


Fleet Carrier Owners Club Shuttle Service

Got some engineers to unlock in Colonia? Maybe pay a visit to the center of our great galaxy, Sagittarius A*? Want to reach Beagle Point, one of the most remote systems? Catch a ride to Rackham’s Peak for a very nice view from the roof of the galaxy?

All the nice places to pay a visit, but got no time to spare? Have no worries. The FCOC Shuttle Service is here for you, even when you’re offline. Click here to learn more!

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